Assessment rubric 2
The Reality Shows bring more Harm
Government Opening 1
Reality shows bring more negative than the positive, because children and teenage love.
Opposition Opening 1
Give us happiness, not every reality shows are bad. And if you know how to filter it, why you judge the reality show itself?
Government Opening 2
Parents cannot protect their child from TV shows. They have a lot of busy out of there.
Opposition Opening 2
Every shows is filtered by an association or organization. They know what is good, bad, etc. So, reality shows is good for society.
Government Closing 1
Not all people know what's good or bad. There is very minim number of Reality Show that educated the watcher.
Opposition Closing 1
We're educational people. We can choose what shows we need. We can eliminated the negative impact.
Government Closing 2
Mostly children will become impacted with the reality shows. Then, they impact other children too.
Opposition Closing 2
If reality show gives positive and negative, what is actually dangerous is not the reality show itself, but the ability to filter the positive. What happened shows on TV, it was filtered by the government assocation
good job